ERMC carries out planning, feasibility studies, environmental and socio-economic studies, design and construction supervision of projects related to Water Resource Development and Control, River Basin Planning, Flood Control and Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Multipurpose Dams, Small Sized Dams, Tube Well Development and Irrigation Canals. Moreover, the organization carries out design, construction supervision, and operation and maintenance of dams, hydropower plants and irrigation canals which enable development of the economic efficient and use of water resources.
In addition, ERMC carries out works to increase agricultural productivity by expanding and reinforcing the facilities (reservoir, pumping stations, canals and weirs etc) and improving irrigation and drainage channels in areas where there is shortage of agricultural water.


•    Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Cost Estimate for the Rehabilitation of Banganga Irrigation System (6350 ha) (Package Number: BIMD/072-73/CS-1),           Kapilbastu, Nepal, Department of Irrigation
•    Detailed Planning, Engineering Design of Branch Canals and Command Area Development of Dunduwa Irrigation System, Nepalgunj, Banke District, DOI, Sikta   Irrigation

•    Design and Supervision of Hydromechanical Works of Headworks of Sikta Irrigation Project, Banke district, DOI, Sikta Irrigation Project
•    Construction Supervision, Quality control and Contract Management of Civil Works in Main Canal Ch 15 + 00 to Ch 35+000 km of Sikta Irrigation Project, Banke district, DOI, Sikta Irrigation Project
•    Bheri-Babai Irrigation Project (Lidar Survey, Preparation of Ortho-Photo- 85000 ha and Detailed Engineering Design of Irrigation Project-46000 ha), Banke district, DOIMWRID
•    Irrigation Infrastructure Development and Improvement, IWRMP , Nepal, DOI, IWRMP/World Bank
•    Construction Supervision of Main Canal Ch 0+614 to Ch 15+000 km of Sikta Irrigation Project, Banke district, DOI, Sikta Irrigation Project
•    Project Preparation Study, TA No. 7229-NEP Community Irrigation Project, Nepal, ADB Manila, EA- DOI
•    Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Study of Rani Jamara Kulariya Irrigation Project, Kailali, FWRID, DOI
•    Preparation of Approach Manual and Implementation Guidelines for Small Irrigation Project Nepal, DoLIDAR
•    Remaining Command Area Development Works, i. Supervision and Quality Control of Construction Works, ii. Detailed System Planning, Design, Drawing, Verification and Estimate of Command Area (6300 ha) Development, Protection and Other Related Works and Review of the Completed Detailed Design of CAD, 10302 ha. iii. Detailed Planning, Design, Drawings and Estimate of Silt Ejectors and other related Works iv. Preparation of Parcellary Maps of Irrigated Areas for 24600 ha v. Project Management in Project Related Activities, Rautahat and Sarlahi District, DOI, Bagmati Irrigation Project/Saudi for Development (SFD) Loan No 5/465
•    Community - Managed Irrigated Agriculture Sector Project (Package No. B), Feasibility Study and Subproject Implementation Plan of 0 Kali Koshi No. 1 Paini (203 ha), Sunsari District, Lohandra Dataram Paini Irrigation Sub Projects (200ha),Morang District, Sapta Kohi Irrigation Sub Project (300 a), Sunsari District ,Bhulke Irrigation Sub Projects (212 ha),Sunsari District, Morang and Sunsari District, CMAISP / Regional Irrigation Directorate (RPSU), Biratnagar
•    Detailed Survey and Design of Basti Khola and Bet Khola Irrigation Project in Dang, 300 ha, Dang District, DIO, Surkhet
•    Design Estimate and Drawing Preparation of Micro¬Irrigation Project in Jumla, Surkhet and Dailekh Districts, CECI, Nepal
•    Detailed Survey and Design of the following Irrigation Project Jogimara Irrigation Project in Dhading District, 90 ha parabetar Irrigation project in Dhading, 70 ha Majhitar Irrigation Project in Dhanding, 1340 Ha Pathahan Irrigation Project in Chitwan, Dhading & Chitwan District, Irrigation Sector Project.
•    Assessment Study of the following different Project in Bara, Chitawan and Dhading District Bhagawanpur Irrigation Project Gumdi Irrigation Project Jutpani Irrigation Project, Thalahi Irrigation Project, Kirkichauraha Irrigation Project, Umajan Irrigation, Bara, Chitwan and Dhading District, Irrigation Sector Project
•    Feasibility Study of Banlekh Irrigation Project, Lana Kedareshwor Irrigation Project and Lada Gad Irrigation Project. Kapilbastu District, Feasibility Study Project, DOI, Maharajganj
•    Socio-economic Bench Mark Survey of Rajapur Island Rehabilitation Project, Bardiya District, DOI/ADB
•    Detail Survey and Design of Bhumahi Irrigation Project in Nawalparasi District, 1000 ha, Nawalparasi District, Feasibility Study Project, DOI
•    Detailed Survey and Design of Baragadahi Kawasoti Irrigation Project in Nawalparasi District, 700 ha, Nawalparasi District, Feasibility Study Project, DOI Maharajang
•    Detailed Survey and Design of Janakpur Pipar Irrigation Project in Nawalparasi District, 400 ha, Nawalparasi District, District Irrigation Office, Nawalparasi

•    Consultancy Services for Technical Assistance for Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade (RFP No.: PACT-39-SBC-CF-PACT-AF/S/ QCBS/40/2013), All over Nepal, Project for Agricultural Commercialization and Trade (PACT) Credit / Grant No: 5180-NEP/H813-NP
•    Baseline Survey of PACT districts (Contract ID PACT/12/2010), Central and Western Region of Nepal, PSCT/World Bank

River Basin Planning and Development
•    Updating and Upgrading Water Resources Information System and Assessment of Basin/Sub-Basin Water Availibiliyy (IWRMP/World Bank), Mid and Far Western Development Region, WECS, Singa Durbar
•    Master Plan Study for Tinau Integrated Development Works, Rupandehi District, WIDP, Division No. 5, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi
•    Detailed Studies for the Preparation of River Training Master Plan of Riu River, Chitwan, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Water Use Master Plan (WUMP) Preparation of Humla District, Humla District, Karnali, RVWRMP, Helvetas/ Finnida
•    Preparation of Station Inventory with Cross-Section Survey of Narayani Basin, Narayani Basin, DHM Babarmahal
•    Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on Extraction of Gravel, Sand and Boulder from Rapti River, Musot Khola, Gwar Khola and Patu Khola in Dang District, Dang District, DDC Dang
•    Multi Dimensional Study of the Bagmati River Basin, Bagmati Basin Area, WECS, Singa Durbar
•    Preparation of Water Induced Hazard Map of Rangoon River, Mahakali River Basin, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Preparation of Water Induced Hazard Map of Tinau River Basin, Tinau River Basin, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Preparation of Water Induced Hazard Map of Kankai River Basin, Kankai River Basin, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Evaluation Study of the Effectiveness of Model River Training and Sabo Works carried out by DWIDP in Girubari Khola, Nawalparasi, DWIDP, Pulchowk

•    Study and Investigation Survey of Lothar Khola River Basin and Adjoining Rivulets for Water Induced Disaster, Chitwan and Nawalparasi district, DWIDP Pulchowk
•    Development of GIS Database from Existing District Water Use Inventory Studies, Nepal, WECS, Singa Durbar
•    GIS Based Study of River System in Terai from Bara to Chitwan Districts, Bara, Parsa and Chitwan districts, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    GIS Based Study of River System in Terai from Dhanusa to Rautahat Districts, Dhanusha to Rautahat District, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Digitization Radiosonde Data of Kathmandu 1977 - 1979 , Kathmandu, DHM, Babarmahal
•    Digitization Synoptic Report of Kathmandu Airport 1973 - 1977, Kathmandu, DHM, Babarmahal
•    Extraction and Digitization of Autographic Chart of Kathmandu Airport 1988-1992, Kathmandu, DHM, Babarmahal
•    Fog Epedic Study of Kathmandu Valley, Kathmandu, DHM, Babarmahal
•    Extraction and Digitization of Autographic Chart of Kathmandu Airport 1993-1999, Kathmandu, DHM, Babarmahal
•    Preparation of Water Induced Hazard Map of Bagmati River, Bagmati River Basin, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Preparation of Water Induced Hazard Map of Kamala River, Kamala River Basin, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Legal, Policy and Institutional Structure for Integrated Water Resources Management in River Basin Context, Nepal, WECS, singa Durbar
Preliminary Study of Boarders Rivers in Nepal, (Package-4)-Dhedu Nadi, Amuwa Nadi, Thute Nadi, Odar Nadi, Shakharibas Nadi, Dhuthaha Nadi, Gad Nadi, Tilawe Nadi and Sirsiya Nadi in Parsa district, Central Development Region, Parsa District, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Preliminary    Study    of Boarders    Rivers    in Nepal,
(Package-3)-    Singha Nadi, Bhutiya Nadi, Kadiya Nadi,
Aruwa River, Jamune River and Bangi River, Central Development Region, Bara District, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Preliminary    Study    of Boarders    Rivers    in Nepal,
(Package-5)-    Arra    Nadi, Surkhi    River,    chakrihawa
Nadi, Surang Khola, Sotwa Nala, Jamuhar River, Muse Nala and Sisawa Nala, Central Development Region, Nawalparasi District, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Detailed Topographical Survey and Landscaping and River Training of Jagganath Santi Kunja, Deu Ghat, Tanahu District, Jagganath Santi Kunja, Deu Ghat Tanahu

Flood Forecasting and Early Warning and Management
•    Determination of Flood Warning and Danger Level of Seti River in Flood Forecasting Stations, Kaski, Pokhara, Practical Action South Asia
•    Conducting Kosi River Cross- Section Survey, Hazard Map Preparation, Embankment Breach Analysis, soil Sampling and Analysis (Package 1), (Emergency flood Damage Rehabilitation Project (EFDRP), Part E Institutional Strengthening of DWIDP for disaster risk Reduction), Eastern Development Region, DWIDP, EFDRP/ Asian Development Bank
•    Conducting Koshi River Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System(Package 2), Emergency Flood Damage Rehabitation Project (EFDRP), Part E Institutional Strengthening of DWIDP for disaster risk reduction, Eastern Development Region, DWIDP, EFDRP/ Asian Development Bank
•    Discharge Measurement at all Gauging Station of FFP, Major River Basin of Nepal, DHM Babarmahal
•    Discharge Measurement at all Gauging Station of FFP, Major River Basin of Nepal, DHM Babarmahal
•    Determination of Flood Danger Level in Flood Forecasting Stations in Karnali riverat Chisapani and Rapti River at Rajaiya, Karnali and Rapti river Basin, DHM Babarmahal
•    Determination    of    Flood    Danger    Level    in    Flood
•    Forecasting Stations in of Koshi River, Eastern River DHM Babarmahal
•    Preparation of Water Induced Hazard Map of East Rapti River Basin, Chitwan and Makawanpur, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Development of Flood Forecasting Model for Narayani Basin, Western Nepal, DHM Babarmahal
•    Determination    of    Flood    Danger    Level    in    Flood
•    Forecasting Stations in Narayani and Rapti Basin, Western Nepal, DHM Babarmahal
•    Discharge Measurement at all Gauging Station of Flood Forecasting Project, DHM Babarmahal
•    Updating Hydrometer Station Calibratio under Flood Forecasting Project, DHM Babarmahal
•    Detailed Studies for the Preparation of River Training Master Plan of Narayani River, Narayani Basin, Chitwan, DWIDP, Pulchowk
•    Discharge Measurement at all Gauging Station of Flood Forecasting Project, DHM Babarmahal
•    Discharge Measurement at all Gauging Station of Flood Forecasting Project, DHM Babarmahal
•    Preparation of Flood Hazard Map of Nepal, DHM Babarmahal
•    Preparation of Flood Mitigation Plan for Rangoon Khola, Deldhura District,RTP, DOI, Jawalakhel

Natural Resources Management
•    Image Processing for Glacier of Nepal, Himalayan Region, DHM Babarmahal
•    Initial Environmental Examination of Rupataal Dam Construction Project, Lekhnath Municipality, Pokhara, Kaski, Lekhnath Municipality
•    Water Resources Study of Rupatal, Pokhara, Lekhnath Municipality, Pokhara, Kaski, Lekhnath Municipality
•    Inspection, Maintenance and Monitoring of the Built Structures of Tsho Rolpa GLOF Risk Reduction Project Area Site and Monitoring of MHP Power Plant, Tsho Rolpa, Dolakha District, DHM, Babarmahal Norvegien Fund
•    Topographical and Byathematic Survey of Bhairabkunda and Gosaikunda Lakes in Sindhupalchowk districts, Sindhupalchowk District, DHM, Babarmahal
•    Glacier Out-burst Study, Topographical and Byathematic Survey of Surrounding Area of Tsho- Rolpa Glacier Lakes, Tsho Rolpa, Dolakha District, DHM, Babarmahal Norvegien Fund

Climate Change Adaptation
•    Building Resilience of Watersheds in Mountain Eco¬Regions Project (ADB Grant 0357-NEP), Far Western Development Region of Nepal, Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (DSCWM)/ ADB
•    PPCR-Building Resilience to Climate Related Hazards (Loan/Credit/Grant No. TF013557/TF013665) Contract No. PPCR/DHM/S/FBS-11, Nepal, Department of Hydrology and Metereology, Kathmandu, Nepal/ World Bank